1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Anguille a V Italienne.

(Eels, Italian Mode.)

Ingredients : Conger eel, cockles, oil, vinegar, salt, red wine, (claret, or common vin rouge,) macaroni, fish stock, sorrel, spices. Wash 2 lbs. of conger eel quite clean, remove the black film in the open by rubbing with salt and water, then transfer to a marinade of oil and vinegar, this takes off the strong After an hour put it into a fish stewpan, with either fish stock or water, 1 pint, red wine ^ pint, 2 dozen cockles, and plenty of black pepper and sweet spices whole. Stew for about three quarters of an hour. Have ready a fine bed of macaroni, nicely cooked and drained. Also some sorrel sauce (sheep sorrel) stewed, lay the fish in two halves having removed the skin and bone, reduce the stock by rapid boiling, with the lid off till there is | pint. Strain, pour over the fish and macaroni. Serve at once with white sauce in a separate vessel, and the cockles laid round the fish as a garnish in little taste.


U Humbert.

Saumon a

(Salmon, King Humbert Style.)

Ingredients: Salmon, oil, spices, salad. Take enough fresh olive oil to cover a good thick salmon

Put it into an earthen pot with cloves, dry bay leaves,


mace, cardamum and coriander and 1 dozen whole black peppers, bake the oil or boil it over a charcoal fire for an hour to extract the spice flavours, then let it get nearly cold, and strain on to the salmon in a baking Place it in a slow oven, or cover down and place on the top of a charcoal arrange- ment. Simmer in the oil for half an hour to three quarters, V seeds, a little salt, dish. See that it covers the fish.

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