1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Drop in a teaspoonful of lemon juice,

must not boil again.

stir rapidly, and pour as hot as possible on the oysters.

Huitres a

L' Americaine.

(Oyster Stew.)

Ingredients: Oysters, pepper, salt, milk.

This is a favourite, popular American dish, met with every- where, and every bar-tender knows how to prepare it, but guards the secret from the ** Foreigner," i, e.y inquisitive English or French traveller, or recent settler. Never open the oysters till the order is given for the stew. The milk must be ready in a jug, and standing on the hot plate ; open the shells quickly, pop the oysters into a saucepan with their own liquor, salt, and pepper. Stew them one minute and a half, put into a soup plate and add the milk. I have met with the milk slightly thickened with cornflour, and this was where the sale was not quick, and the milk might turn.

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