1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



4th. Make about 2 doz. forcemeat balls of grated ham and chicken, passed through a mincer, and afterwards pounded in a mortar, with spices, cream, and a portion of raw egg, some truffles, and sweet herbs. Mix in a small quantity of sifted crumbs. Season with pepper, salt, cayenne and nutmeg. Form into little balls, brush over with egg, roll in crumbs, and fry in boiling fat. Drain on 2 papers, and keep hot. To serve. Melt some glaze and keep it liquid. Lift out the rolls of veal, trim the narrow end, by cutting off a small portion so as to leave the yolk visible. Make the band of Take the strips of bread and fix into the wheels, putting the cut portions of the circle oppo- site each other to make the tiny gun carriage. Say there are four guns to mount, place them round. Take the rolls, lay them with the heavy^ends resting together in the centre of the entree dish, and the narrow ends with the yolk of egg inside pointing .^towards the outer edge. As soon as mounted, brush each gun over with glaze, so as to look bright. Thicken the gravy in which the cannon were stewed, with flour baked a fawn colour in the oven, pour it round and under the cannon. Fix groups of balls at the right hand of each cannon. Three for the base and one on the top. lentils round the dish.

Rest the crown on the breech portion, i. e., the ends of the

Warm on the hot

converging towards the centre.


plate and serve.

La Pluie d'Or Entree.

(Shower of Gold Entree.)

Ingredients : Cold ham, fowl, tongue, or game, hard boiled eggs, mixed herbs, pepper, salt, cayenne, lemon, raw egg,

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