1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



olive, powdered .thyme, parsley, chervil sifted, and ^ a tea- cupful finely sifted white bread crumbs. Mix with a raw egg. Cut slices of tinned lambs' tongues, also slices of brains, cover with the stuffing ; squeeze 2 drops of lemon juice on each, roll up, fasten with small wooden skewers. Dress with eggs and bread crumbs. Fry and serve in fine, rich, brown sauce, flavoured with port wine. Garnish with

drained, and half rings of lemon





Sarcelle a la Gourmet.

(Teal, Gourmond Style.)

Teal,, macedoine, minced beet root, red cur-

Ingredients :

rant jelly, spices, thick brown gravy. Pluck, singe, draw the bird, cut it

down the back with a

sharp Remove the pink sole by pouring boiling water from a kettle, on the pink substance lining the back. Rub spices well into the body of the bird, which however, I may say, is only cut down the back, but not divided in two. Close it up, put it into a sharp oven for 10 minutes, to brown. Lift it out, brush every part over with butter. Put it on the grill, the inside next to the fire. Broil for 5 minutes ; then have a rich brown gravy thickened with baked fawn coloured flour. Lay the bird on a very hot knife.

was on the grid, open


just as





Pour the gravy round

with the inside towards the dish.

Open a tin of Macedoine, from a kettle pour

the bird.

vegetables, which must be

salted boiling water over the

This frees them from

placed in a strainer for the purpose.

acetate of tin or lead, the vegetable acid may have loosened and extracted from the tin or can, and absorbed in its liquid surroundings. Place alternate heaps of this, and red beet root, cut nicely with plain or fluted cutter, round

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