1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant


2 82

Then remove the

buttered paper, until it is nearly done.

paper, brown and serve with sauce aux truffles. Another dish of which the Comte de Chambord was fond

of, is

Courge a la Chambord.

(Vegetable Marrow a la Chambord.)

Young firm green skinned marrow,



eggs, white sifted bread crumbs, seasonings, butter, lemon, or verjus, (liquor from green grapes,) fried parsley, white cream sauce. Cut slices from a firm young marrow, about \ inch thick, dip in flour seasoned with pepper and salt, then in a beaten up egg. Dust with fine sifted bread crumbs. Fry in boiling fat, then place on an entree dish. Put into a saucepan 1 oz. of butter, when it has melted, pour in a beaten up egg, seasoned with pepper and salt. Stir it rapidly round, and when set, divide in three or two, according to the size of the rings of marrow, and place in heaps on it. Squeeze the lemon juice over each heap and serve at once with cream sauce. Ingredients: The breast and wings of ducks, Quenelle forcemeat, usual brazing vegetables, fat bacon, rich stock, Seakale, haricot verts, (Windsor broad beans) butter, season- ings, pickled barberries, lemons. Cut off i the breast and wing of a duck in one piece, so as to form a cutlet. Skin the cutlet. Bone the wing and replace the bone with quenelle farce. Lard the breasts care- fully with a fine needle, having smoked bacon for the pur- pose. Braise on a /// (bed) of the following vegetables Canard a L* Empress Eugenie. (Duck in the Empress Eugenie's Style.)

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