1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Put this into the barrel and mix with a brush agitator ; blanch i oz. of bitter almonds, by pouring boiling water over them and put them into the barrel with the mixture, also i oz. of red rose leaves. Dissolve 3 oz. of gelatine previously soaked in cider, whisk it in and mix thoroughly with the contents of the barrel. Bung up and leave to clear. It will be ready for bottling in three months. Is made by gathering the flowers in fine, dry weather; they are greatly improved by the addition of a few vine tendrils and leaves. Bruise them with a wooden mallet and put into the mash-tub. There should be a gallon of elder flowers and a gallon of vine leaves and tendrils. Make a wort by boiling 4 gallons of water, 3 lbs. of sugar and 3 lbs. of glu- cose. Skim it well whilst it is boiling, pour it out into a vessel to cool, and when almost cold, add it to the elder work for about a week then remove the upper crust and rouse up well with about 4d. worth of finings. In 24 hours, draw it ofl'. The crust gathered on the top by the finings, must not be broken or the whole brewing will be spoilt. It ought to be as clear as crystal. It can now be put into the cask and when the after fermentation has subsided : bung down. N. B. The above is used as a flavourer, and in the making of several mock wines. Elder Flower Wine flowers. Work it with J pint of good yeast, let it

Mock Champagne for Cooking.

Take 7 lbs. of green gooseberries and 14 lbs. of Victoria, or red-fleshed rhubarb. Bruise all the fruit with a wooden masher, put it into a wide bunged cask, or better still, a cask with the head off that has a tap near the bottom, and let it stand 4 or 5 days, after adding 5 gallons of boiling

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