1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



convert into " Bourbon." I then take a quart measure and fill it with black rye corns and put them into a coffee roaster with a small bit of lard, as for coffee or cocoa bean roasting. If you have not got the roaster bake them in the oven on a baking tray, taking care they are not burnt. The quart of roasted rye will be sufficient flavour for 10 gallons or even Put the roasted rye corns into the jar containing the gallon of spirit and tea, cork up very closely and do not open for a fortnight, rock it backwards and forwards 2 or 3 times a day to shake it up well. At the end of the fort- night have your barrel ready with the 10 gallons of whiskey, (or a jar containing less if you wish it.) Filter and strain in the spirit from the rye corns, &c., and add at the rate of 15 drops per gallon of cologne gin, 2 fluid ozs. of the spirit of ammonia, and 1 fluid oz. of tincture of chillies, 1 pint of syrup — mix with a brush agitator and if it requires it, fine with alum and salts of Tartar, and it is ready for use when reduced to excise proof. Bourbon whiskey like white rum and bay rum should be sold full strength and is consequently allowably dearer. By the way, I class bay rum as an essence or tinc- ture of bay leaves, (see the next chapter.) Rye Whiskey. Take J pint of rye corns for each gallon of whiskey to be made. Roast them as for Bourbon, then grind in a steel mill, and infuse for a fortnight with 1 oz. of valerian, and i lb. of black tea to every gallon to be manufactured. Cork up and rock daily for the first week, then add to it the plain spirit, 2 oz. of strong fluid ammonia for every 3 gallons of plain spirit, also 1 oz. of tincture of chillies for the same quantity, and 1 oz. (to 10 gallons) of spirit essence of 15. N. B.

Filter and strain







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