1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Ingredients :

Finest Lucca Olive Oil, Yolks of Large Brahma Eggs,

2 ozs.=4 Tablespoonfuls. 3 Raw. 1 Saltspoonful.


Spiced White Wine Vinegar,

1 Tablespoonful.

The round eggs con-

Choose round brown-shelled eggs.

tain more yolk than the long, pointed ovals. Those with brown shells generally have a deeper coloured yolk than a white-shelled egg. Remove the white carefully from each egg. Put the yolks into a basin. Take a small wooden spoon and commence an even, regular, stirring; one way, and add the oil drop by drop. There are proper stoppers for this work in good kitchens, and the cost is about a few pence, so that, the dirty trick of the uniniated cook, of letting it drip from her finger ends, is a thing of the past. If there is not a "jug pattern'* or "Lipped cork tap," on the premises, cut a notch or pierce the cork, so that the oil drips slowly and cleanly from the cork, and not over the fingers. Stir till the egg has taken up all the oil, and become quite thick. It will be slow work, but the success of the sauce depends on the quiet regular stirring. When it looks like a paste, almost dilute it with vinegar, added in the same manner, as the oil has been mixed in, salt it, and it is ready for use. Flask oil is not always the best. Most of the Florence oil " so called, is the produce of cotton seeds sent from this country to Italy, there purified, and returned in foreign flasks as pure " olive oil " (sic.) Cotton oil is not poisonous — in fact it is good and healthful, — but one does not care to buy a painted sparrow as a canary, or cotton oil as the olive product. Uses : For salads, cold fish, fowl, vegetables En Mayon-


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