1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



books, the necessity of these studies is not impressed, and it is simply a want of this artistic knowledge, and a want of knowledge of foreign languages sufficient to enable the young Chef to read and translate, or to frame menus correct- ground. The cook is not a mere working machine, he has to consider all things in his table preparations. The eye must be pleased, so he ought to study refinement and artistic taste; the sense of smell has to be satisfied, so that there must be no predomination of any distinctive aroma or perfume ; the palate has to be suited, therefore the keen sense of taste must be cultivated, and as Dr. Kitchener sagely, though not too refinedly remarks, something to the effect that the cook's health and digestive organs should be regularly attended to, i.e., that he must be steady and find his enjoy- ments in a moderate sort of way, So that his tongue may not be furred," and his palate keenly alive to all shades and dis- tinctions in flavourings and seasonings. Having remarked thus far on fat and stearine modelling, I might say that to the higher class Chef a slight knowledge of wax flower making, is quite as necessary as the knowledge of how to manufacture paper flowers, camelias of turnips, cannons of carrots and turnips, canaries and other models of the feather- ed tribe one meets with at Oddfellows' dinners, Druid sup- pers, village feasts, and friendly leads. The splendid work in the modelling and decorative arts, which has been brought to such perfection by English-born Chefs shows that there is plenty of genius amongst them, and that it only requires cultivating to ensure its successful development, that they may rank successfully with their French, Swiss, and Ameri- can confreres. To show what can be done by an English- man, and as a guide to bridescake makers I will introduce a description from a trade magazine of The Wedding Cake made by Mr. J. A. Massey, Chef to ly, that keeps the Englishman in the back

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