1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



They are double at the centre, and open as we would place a screen near a door, i,e, open about 1 inch., next you, and quite close at the centre. We cover these with rough paste, fasten the arch on the top, and coat the whole with sugar prepared thus : Take \ lb. of icing sugar, moisten with just sufficient water to dissolve the sugar, boil to the thread (fine thread,) add the white of 2 eggs, or \ oz. of gelatine whipped to a stiff froth, stir into the sugar ; stir for 15 minutes in an icing mixer, or if by hand with a spatula. When it is of a fine white, separate it into two parts, colour one half two shades of green, and leave the rest pure white. Now the artist's taste will show itself in the draping of the cave. Fringe it round and cover the top ; let it drop as if stalactites were drooping over the edge of the roof. Place a rough coating over the inside of the green and keep the white icing strictly for the outside. Before it quite sets put thin rolls of chocolate, (the cigars will do as well as anything else,) so as to imitate rough wood work. The manger is made of chocolate bars. The straws are spun sugar, and the little figure for the centre of coloured China. On one side are the Three Kings of Cologne, and on the other the shepherds on the plain, with flocks and herds, under small tree ferns, with wax figures attached to the boughs by wire. Facing the top of the table are the parents, and towards the foot are grouped the Roman soldiers, starting for the Massacre of the Innocents. The whole trophy stands on a plateau of silver sand, tiny cacti are placed here and there, and the famous well near the cave, is represented by the insertion of looking glass, shaded over by the most delicate lady ferns and orchids, twining round imitation stones made out of white wax. Oriental fruits and flowers are grouped round the plateau, and on the centre piece is affixed a star of Bristol diamonds, supported on a thin copper wire.

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