1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



mentioned, break it

up into flakes.

Filter the spirit in the

jar and add it.

It is then ready for bottling.

Kirchenwasser, or Kirchwasser

Can be prepared with or without distillation.

To distil

Take a clean brandy cask, remove one end


and put a layer of ripe wild black cherries (gean.) Cover them with a layer of wild cherry leaves, or peach leaves, then a layer of cherries, then leaves, alternate layers, until the cask is half full. Boil in a copper sufficient water to fill the remainder of the cask. When it is nearly cold pour it over the fruit. Cover up and let it stand 2 hours, then with a wooden shovel or mixer, work it well up, so that it is mixed, cover the top with fine wood ashes, and leave it for 3 weeks or a month, to ferment. Then remove the ashes and distil. Add to the spirit thus produced, fine sugar syrup, equal in quantity to the spirit obtained. Colour slightly with cochineal. Bottle in straw-covered bottles. Take essence of cherries 1 oz., essence of almonds i oz., 1 pint of cochi- neal, J oz. of solferino. Mix the essences with 1 gallon silent 0. p. spirit, then add a gallon of good syrup. Mix thoroughly, leave it 3 days, then filter off. After filtering see how it looks. It may require either a little solferino, or indigo adding, or a little more cochineal, whichever it is, add it and then bottle. Kirchenwasser without Distillation, Is much less trouble and not at all expensive.

Liqueur de Quince.

Grate 12 quinces or crush in a small cider press. Pass the pulp into ajar, with 3 lbs. of lump sugar, and cover with 1 quart of white rum, or plain spirit, cork closely for 10

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