1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant



Black Cherry Wines.

2 GALLONS of black cherries, or wild cherries ;

mash them

make a wort of 3 gallons of water;

and put them into a tub ;

10 lbs. of sugar; and 2 ozs. of citric acid crystals.

Boil and

skim, pour the boiling liquor on the cherries ; stir in 1 lb. of ground malt and when the liquor is cold ferment it with a little yeast. The malt prevents the wine being flat as wild cherry wine is apt to be. When the liquor has done fer- menting, skim it. Put into the cask, J lb. of cinnamon, and J lb. of allspice, bruised, and 1 oz. of cloves ; but if you pre- fer to save trouble in bruising the spices, use cherry essence, then add the liquor. When the after-fermentation has sub- sided, clear with 1 oz. of dissolved and soaked gelatine. Bung up. It will be ready in from 8 to 12 months. Blackberries by themselves are rather sickly, and require lime juice, citric acid, cream of tartar, or something of the sort to give it a gout. But when the wine is made with pur- ple egg plums, damsons, sloes, snigs, (the christians of Dor- setshire,) or bullaces, it gives it a tone that is pleasant, as being derived from one or other of the sources mentioned. To make the wine : Take 3 gallons of blackberries freshly gathered during dry weather. Put them, \ ^ gallon at a time, into a preserving pan with a pint of water, stir them over the fire until they come to a boil ; then strain them through a jelly bag, putting the liquor into a clean vessel ; repeat this until all the blackberries are done. To every gallon of the liquor, add \\ lbs. of plums, and 3 lbs. of sugar, and to the whole I gallon of boil ed water. Put this into a mash tub, ferment it with yeast, and when it has done working, remove the head and cask it. Many people put all the fruit into the Blackberry and Plum Wine.

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