1885 New Guide Hotel Bar Restaurant




American Drinks.

'HIS department of our book may be very useful to the 1 barman and the barmaid in the concoction of drinks, as well as to the hotel-keepers, confectioners, and others. The editor of one of the journals for which I write, says, they have 365 distinct drinks in America. I calculate they have. One for each day in the year," he says. But then he is a regular young man, very particular, and very proper, but he does not know what we do when we are let loose, in America. Why bless his innocent heart, we have as many drinks as there are hours in the night only we dare not tell him, or he might think our acquaintance with the bar-room was a little too intimate. But to be serious, I shall endeav- our in this and the following chapter, to give my readers a good insight into bar mixings, and the bar method that would be pursued by a trained bar-tender. The very first item in the arrangement of an American bar, is that most essential of all elements : There must be plenty of apparatus for washing up and drying, whether the bar is indoors or out. For pity's sake do not arrange them as some Englishmen do, to represent a true American bar, to show an idea of American cleanli- ness by people that have never been there ; they supply the unfortunate bar-man, or tender, with one little dirty second hand green and white oyster tub, a spoonful of washing up water in a rusty can ; so that before half the day's washing up is done, the liquid in the tub looks like peas soup, and the two towels served out are before noon like a couple of dish cloths. Give plenty of towels, plenty of water, 2 or 3 Qeanliness.

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