1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)
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1 quart of Cura'ioa (red); 1 pint of Chartreuse (green); 1 quart of :fine old Brandy or Cognac· 1 quart of Tokay win~; 4 bottles of Apollinaris water; 6 Oranges, eut in slices; . 2 Lemons, cut in slices; stir up well together, let it stand two hours, strain it into another bowl and add : 1 /2 Pineapple cut in slices · Place the bowl in the ice, ana sweeten with a littlE. sugar and let it ferment, stir up well and serve the samw as American Claret Cup, and this will give satisfaction to any Bon Ton party in America. 223. FINE LEMONADE FOR PARTIES. (Use a punch bowl- 1 gallon.) Take the rind of 8 lemons: rub the rinds of the 8 lemons on the sugar until it has absorbed all the oil from them, and put it with the r emainder of the sugar into a jug; add the lemon juice and pom· the boiling water over the whole. When the sugar is dissolwd, strain the lemonade through a piece of muslin, and when cool, it will be ready for use. The lemonade will be much improved by having the whites of 4 eggs beaten up wi.th it. A larger or smaller quantity of this lemonade may be made by increasing or diminishing the quantity of the ing1·edients. 224. WHITE PLUSH. t (Use a smo.ll bar glo.ss.) Hand a bottle of Bombon or Rye whiskey to the customer and let him help himself. Fill up the juice of 12 lemons; 2 lbs. of loaf sugar; 1 gallon of boiling water; 1/2 box of Str awberries; 6 bottles of Champagne;
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