1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)


The bartenders particular attention must be given to keeping the glassware in a clean and bright condition. The glasses be bands out to customers to help themselves, as well as the glasses be uses for mixing drinks must be clean nnd bright and not a speck on them. After using them they should be washed perfectly clean, left on the bench for a little while, and then polished up with nothing but a clean linen glass towel. 39. CIGARS SOLD AT THE BAR. Where it is tlie bartenders duty to handle the cigars sold in the business, be shoulil see to it that they give satisfaction. As far as the season is concerned, cigars do not require much attention in summer, they will be moist enough to give satis– faction; but in winter when the atmosphere is very dry, it is advisable to place a wet sponge ill. th e cigar case; this will keep the cigars m good con– dition. Some bartendm 1 s find it difficult to keep insects out of the mixing bottles, although it is an easy matter if th~y ta~e a small china or glass dish, P?ur some water mto it and place the bottle contairung the syrup, etc., in the centre of it, which will pre– vent insects from getting into the bottle. Where the bottles. are l~ft stan~ing over night, -or any length of trme without usrng, put a little plug into the 1;;q~irt, or take ~he squirt stopper out and re– place it by an ordinary cork, until you use th e bottles agarn. 40. TO KEEP ANTS AND OTHER INSECTS OUT OF MIXING BOTTLES.

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