1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)
- 49 - 1 squirt of Selters; dissolve with a spoon : Fill up the glass with finelv shaved ice; l112 wine glassfuls of Old Brandy;
st:il· up well; flavor v.'ith a few drops cf Jamaica rum and ornament with grapes, oranges, pineapple and · berries, and serve ·with a straw. 82. ST. .CHARLES PUNCH. (Use o, large bar glass.) 1 table-spoonful of sugar ; 2 or 3 dashes of Lemon juice, dissolve with a little water or Selters ; 1 wine glass full of Port wine; 1 pony glass of Brandy ; 112 glass of Cura(}oa; Fill the glass with fine ice, stir' well with a spoon, ornament the top with grapes, oranges, etc., in season and serve with a straw. _ This is one of the most ·popular summer drinks known in the South.
83. EGG NOGG. (Use a large bar glass.)
1 fresh Egg; a/ 4
table-spoonful of sugar ; 1/3 glass full of ice; 1 pony glass St. Croix or J amaica rum; 1 wine glass full of Brandy;
Fill tbe glass with rich milk, shake the ingr edients well together and strain into a large bar glass ; grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. It is proper for the bartender to ask the customer what flavor he prefers, whether St. Croix or Jamaica rum.
84. WHITE LION. (Use a large bar glass.)
1 table-spoonful of sugar ; 2 or 3 dashes of Lime or Lemon juice, dissolve well with a little water; 4
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