1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)
- 52- 90. BR.i\NDY FIX. (Use a lr.ugo bar glass.)
i / 2 table-spoonful of sugar; 2 or 3 dashes of Lime or Lemon juice ; If2 pony glass of Pineapple syrup; 1 or 2 dashes of Chartreuse (green), dissolved well with a little Water or Selters; F ill up the glass with shaved ice; 1 wine glass of Brandy; stir up with a spoon, and ornament the top with grapes, and berries in season, and ser ve with a straw. . 91. CLARET PUNCH. (Use a large bar glass.) 3 / 4 table-SJ?Oonful of sugar ; 1 squfrt of Selters; Fill with ice ; 1/2 dash of lemon juice, provided the Claret wine if not too som· ; Fill the glass with Claret wine, stir up well ·with a spoon; ornament with oranges, berries, pine– apple, etc., in season and serve. This is a ver y popular summer drink, and is very cooling in hot weather. 1 / 3 Sherry wine glass vanilla; 1 fresh egg (the yolk only); cover the egg with Benedictine ; 1 /a Sp.erry wine g:lass of Kirschwasser ·or Cognac ; 4 to 6 drops of Bitters; (Boker's genuine only.) Particular care must be t aken ·with the above drink, the same as with Pousse Cafe, to prevent the liquors from running into each other, so that the yolk of the egg, and the different liquors are kept separated from each other. 92. KNICKERBEIN. (Use a Sherry wine glass.)
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