1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)
- 54 - this mixed drink, Whiskey would h ave to be taken in place of it, and where t he pr escription calls for St. Croix rum, t ake Medford rum, etc. These would be the "JGj]fer ingredients wher e a low price is ch arged for a l\ · Punch . This illustr ation will answer for all other drinks.
96. FAIVRE'S POUSSE CAFE. (Use a Sherry wine g lass.)
1/3 glassful of Ben edictine ; l/s glassful of Cura<;oa (r eu); 1/3 glassful of Kirschwasser or Brandy ;
2 or 3 drops of Bitter s (Boker's genuine o::ily ); Attention must be paid to pr event th e different color s from r unning into each other ; they should be kept ·separate.
97. HOW TO MIX ABSINTHE. (Use an Absinthe glass.)
In preparmg the above drink you must be par ticu– lar and inquire whether the customer desires it in t h e old French style or on the new improved plan. Mix · as follows in a large bar or Absinthe glass : 1 p ony glass of Absinthe, place this into the large glass, t ake the top par t of the Absinthe glass, which h as the 'shape of a bowlhwith a smnJl round h ole in the bot– tom, fill this wit fine shaved ice, and water; th en r aise the bowl up high, and let the water r un or drip into the glass containing the Absinthe · the color of the Absinthe will show wh en to stop { th en pour into. the large glass and serve. None but genuine Absmthe sh ould be used, which you can easily t ell by the color in mixing, as it will turn t o a milk color and look cloudy, which the domest ic article does not. This is what t hey call au old style French Ab– sinthe.
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