1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)

- 63 - 121. OLD STYLE WHISKEY SMASH. (Use an extra large Whiskey glass.) 1/4 table-spoonful of sugar; 1;2 wine glass of water; 3 or 4 sprigs of mint, dissolve well; fill the glass with small pieces of ice; 1 wine glass of Whiskey ; Put in fruit in season. mix well, place the strainer in the glass and.serve. ' 122. SOD.A COCKTAIL. (Use a large bar glass. ) 4 or 5 lumps of broken ice; 5 or 6 ·dashes of Bittei·s (Boker's genuine only); 1 or 2 slices of Orange ; fill np the glass With Lemon soda water, and place a tea-spoon filled with sugar on top of the glas s for the customer to put it in himself. Do uot let the foam of the soda spread over the glass in mixing the drink. 123. HOW TO MIX TOM AND JERRY. (Use a punch bowl for the mixture.) Use eggs according to quantity. Before using eggs, be careful and have them fresh and cold; go to work and tak~ two bo'.'71~, break up your eggs very carefully, without. m.l.~mg the yolk with the whites, but have the whites m a separate bowl, t ak e an egg beater and beat the white of the eggs in such a manner, that it becomes a stiff fToth : add, l1/ 2 table-spoonfuls of sugar for each egg, and mix.thi,s thoroughly together, and then beat the yolks of the e~gs, until they are as tliin as water ; mix the yolks or the eggs with the whites and s11gai: together, until-.. the mixture gets the consistency of a light batter, and it is necessary to stir the mixture up every little while to prevent the eggs from separating.


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