1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)

- 66 - 130. ST. CROIX CRUSTA. (Use a large bar glass. )

Take a, nice clean lemon, the same size as yom wine glass, cut off both ends, and peel it the same a.s you would an apple, put the lemon peel in the glass, so that it will line the entire inside of the glass, dip the edge of the glass and the lemon peel in pul verized sugar and mix as follows : 3 or 4 dashes of Orchard syrup; 1 dash of Bitters (Boker's genuine only); 1/2 glass of :fine iee ; 1 small dash of Lemon j uice; 2 dashes of Mar aschino ; 1 wine glass of St. Croix rum ; mix well with a spoon, and strain into a wine glass, dress with small pieces of pineapple and straw– berries, and ser ve. 131. RHINE WINE COBBLER. (Use a large bar glass.) F /2 table-spoonfuls of sugar; 1 1 /2 wine glass of wat er , dissolve well with a spoon ; stir up well with a spoon; or nament with grapes, ' 01:ange, pineapple, strawberries, in season, and serve with a straw. , This is a fashionable German drink. 132. HOT SPICED RUM. (Take a hot water glass.) 1 or 2 lumps of loaf sugar; 1/2 t ea-spoonful of mixed allspice ; dissolve with a little hot water; 1 wine glass of J amaica r um · F ill up the balance of the glass 'with hot water, mix well and gr at e a little nutmeg on top, and serve. F /2 wine glasses of Rhine wine; Fill the glass with shaved ice ;


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