1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)
- 72- 2 yolks of fresh eggs, beaten to a batter with a little white sugar; pour the hot wine over the eggs, stirring continu– ally while doing so, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. Do not stir the eggs into the wine, as this would spoil the drink. 149 CALIFORNIA SHERRY WINE COBBLER. (Use a large bar glass.) 1;2 table-spoonful of sugar; 1 pony glass of Pineapple syrup, dissolve well in a little water; F ill the glass with ice; l1/2 wine glass of California Sherry wine; stir up well with a spoon; ornament the top in a fancy manner with oranges, pineapple and berries, top it off with a little Old Port wine, and serve with a straw. 150. BRANDY FIZZ. (Use a large bar glass.) mix well ·with a spoon strain into a fizz or sour glass, fill with Vichy or Selters water and serve. 151. BISHOP. (Use a large bar glass.) 1 table-spoonful of sugar ; · 2 dashes of Lime or Lemon juice· 1/2 Orange squeezed into it; ' 1/2 wine glass of water, dissolve well· a/ 4 of a glass of fine shaved ice· ' fill the balance with Burgundy; fiavor ~th a few drops of Jamaic~ rum; stir up well with a spoon; dress the top with a little fruit and serve with a straw. 1/2 table-spoonful of sugar; 3 or 4 dashes of Lemon juice; a/ 4 of a glass of fine ice ; 1 wine glass of Brandy ;
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