1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)
- 74- shake well in a shaker, stTain into a wine glass, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. 156. HOT ARRAC PUNCH. (Use a hot water glass. ) · 1 or 2 pieces of lump sugar dissolved in wat er; 3 or 4 drops of L emon juice; 3 / 4 wine glass of Arrac (Batavia); fill the glass with hot water, stir well with a spoon, grate a little nutmeg on top and serve. 157. BRANDY SANGAREE. (Use a small b ar glass .) 1 or 2 lumps of ice ; 1/2 wine glass of water ; 1/2 t able-spoonful of sugar; 1 glass of Brandy ; stir up well with a spoon ; S'l'ate a little nutmeg on top, and serve ; strain if desITed. 1/2 wine glass of .wat er, dissolve well, until the essence of the mint is extracted, then r emove the mint; fill up with fine ice ; .l1/ 4 wine gl~ss of Holland gin; stir up well with a spoon ornament it the same as you would Mint Julep, a~d serve. 159. HOT SCOTCH WHISKEY SLING. (Use a hot water glass.) 1 piece of lump sugar· 3 / 4 ~lass full of hot w~ter · 1 p1.ece of lemon peel ; ' .1 wme glas~ of Scotch whiskey ; stIT up well with a spoon, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. 158. GIN JULEP. (Use a large bar glass.) 3 / 4 table-spoonful of sugar ; 3 or 4 sprigs of l'l'lint;
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