1888 Harry Johnson's new and improved bartender's manual (1888)
-80- 178. SODA AND NECTAR. (Use a large bar glass.)
3 or 4 dashes of Lemon juice; a /4 of a glass of wat er ; 1/2 t ea-spoonful of bicarbonat e of soda, with suf– ficient white sugar t o sweeten nicely ; When mixed, pnt in t he plain soda, stir well, and drink while in a foaming st ate. This is an excellent morning drink to r egulate the bowels. 179. GIN AND MOLASSES. (Use a Whiskey glass.) Pour int o the glass a small quantity of Gin, t o cover the bottom of it, then t ake one t able-spoonful of New OrJ_eans black molasses, and h and with a ba.r-spoon, and the bottle of Gin to the customer t o help himself. . Hot water must be used to clean the glass after– wards, as it will be impossible to clean it in any other way. 180. · FANCY BRAND~ SOUR. (Use a large bar glass.) · 1/ 2 t able-spoonful of sugar ; 2 or 3 dashes of Lemon juice ; 1 squirt of Syphon Selters water, dissolve the su– gar and lemon well with a spoon; F ill up the glass with ice ; 1 wine glass of Brandy ; stfr up well, place the fruits int o the fancy sour glass, strain th e ingredient s into it, and ser ve. (See illustration, plat e No. 11.) 181. PORT WINE COBBLER. (Use a large bar glass.) 1/2 t able-spoonful of sugar; 1 pony glass of Orchard syrup; 1/2 wine glass of wat er , dissolve well with a spoon;
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