1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox


Manhattan Cocktail. Use small bar glass. Tako two dashes or Curacoa or Ma rnschino. Ono pony of rye whis key. One wine-glass of Vermouth. Throe dashes of Boker's bitters. T wo s 111nll lumps of ice.

Shake up well autl s train into a claret glass. Put a quarter of a s lice of lemon In tho glass and s o1·ve. I! tho cus tomer prefers it very s weet use also two das hes of gum syrup.

Saratoga Cocktail. Use small bcir glass. T ako two das hes of AngosLura bitters.

Ono pony or brandy. 0110 pony of whis key. Ono pony of Ve1·mouth.

Shake up well wi th two small lumps of ico; strain into a claret g lass, and serve wit h a quarter of a s lice or lemon.

Martinez Cockta il. Use small bar glnBB. Tako ono

'.rwo das hes of Maraschiuo. One pony of Old Tom gin. Uno wine-glass of Vermouth. '£wo small lumps of ice.

Shalce up t horoughly, and strain into a largo cocktail glass. Put n quarter of a sllce of lemon in the glass, and serve. If t ho guest prefers it ve ry sweet, add two das hes of gum nyl'llp. Metropolitan Cocktail. A small wine glass. One-half pony brandy. One pony F rench Ve1·moutb. T hrue clas hes Angostura bitters. Three clashes gum syrup.

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