1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox



Locomotive. Use large bar glai:;s. Take one tablespoonful of genuine ltoney. The yolk of a fresh r aw egg. Three dashes of Cul'acnn. One claret-glass of red Dul'guncly.

Heat the wine in u thoroughly clean sn.uc epan until it boils, then pour it gradually upon the other ingredients (which, previously s hould have heen thorvugli ly bra t1•n toget her in a mug or pitchel'), whlskiug and s 1il'L'ing t h e matel'ials all the While In order to prev ent t h e egg fro m c urdling. Pour the mixture into a lai·ge baL· glass, powd e r a little cin namon on top, and add t wo o r th ree cloves befo L"C serving. This seems like taking too m uc h Lrouhle jus t to make one glass or Locomot.i\·e. The following pL'oportions of ingredients make fouL· nice g lasses: T ake two ounces o f bonev. Two pony-glasses ;r CUL·acoa. Ono quart of high 1·ed Burguudy. A few drops of essence of cloves . prev~~ocel ed as clh'ected above, a nd ser ve in Jm·ge goblet."' us Y heated.

Hot Locomotive. A large bar glasa.

One Yolk or egg Half-tabt · well Logeth espoon s ugar, and one pony honey, mixed er. Half pony Cui aeon. One and ah rnix all th . alf wine-glass Burg undy or claret boiled ; top with ::o~gh ly together; place u. thi n !!lice of lemon ou pilnkle of cinnamon, and ser ve.

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