1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox

BARTENDE R'S GUIDE. --------------------------

In5lruclion5 for B6.rlender5.

A l •'EW preliminary hi11b lo tho bugi1111or arc manifcslly osso11tial in a work of th is Jducl, which we ho pe hu will study t.o ad vantage. Politeness and uJT11bilit y cost n othing , und a nice percep– t.ion of what is d uti a c11st.omet· i s us necessary to s uccess in t ho p rofessio n as any other detail of t he b usiness. An efficient bartt•nclor's first aim shou ld be to p leaso his cust.01Lot·s, paying par t i cular attention to moet the in– tli\·idual wishes of t hoso whoso tast es and desires ho hai; alrC'atly watched and ascor tainod; and, with those whose pcculiarit.ios ho has had no opport unity of learning, he should polltciy inquire bow t.hoy wish t hoiL• beverages sor vod, a11d use bis best judgment in endeavoring to fulllll their tlosil'cs t o thoit· entire satisfaction. I n t his way h o wi ll not. firll t.o ::i.cquir o popularity an d success. I co m ust be washed clean befor e bei ng used, and t hen never touched with the h and, but p l

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