1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox


Mix well wit.h n s poon and ndd : F vur bott.los Champag111·.

Ouo bot.tic of E ronch Lrnn

Sti.r up wdl wit h u lacllc, ancl s11rrouncl th<' b o wl wit h ice, nnd servo In s uch a m uon or t.hnt. eac h cus LonH' r w i II hnve somo or the fruit.

Grande ur P u n ch. U13e tt l

Ono gil l of nn isollc . Ono butL!c Rtlrnmol. Six oranges, s liced . 0 110 uottlo of l\.i rschwnss0t·. Ono t hird or a gallon of wate r. Six bottles of ::\'or dhuuso r llrnntwe in. Ono gill of Cura.cou. (rod). Stir well with n lndl o, ancl s u r r o u n d I.ho b owl w it.h Leo, nnll serve inn wine-glass. Rub t ho pct'l of four fin e h•mon s, n n

Onc-hnlf gill of M nr nseh i no . Hnlr gill of Curaeon (reel).

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