1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox



In pn•pnring nny kind of a. h ot. drink, t.h \' gla;;s s hould always be first rinsed rapidly with h ot. wal1·r; if t his is not done, t he drink cnnnot be set·ved sufficie11t.ly hot. to suit a. fast.idiuus customer. B es ide:-, 1.he h eating of tho glass will prevent it. from breaking whon I.h e boiling water ls sudd<'nly introduced. In preparin~ cold drinks grPa.t discrimination should ?e ob&en•l•d in 1.ho usu of ice. A s u. g onond ru le, sbnvcd 1 ~e should be used when spirits form the princ ipal lngre– diPnt or the drink, 1~nd no wate1· ls on1ployed. 'Vhen eggs, ruilk, wino, \'CrraouLh , sel tzer, 01· oth er minc r n.l watii rs are used in preparing a drink, it ls bettor t.o uso small lumps of icP, a.nd these should always be r emovt:d from the g lass hefore SPn·ing to the custom er. Sugar dut•s not r carlll y clissolve in spirits; therefore, when rnaking anv klncl or hot ddnk, put s ufficient boiling W~l~ r in the glaSs to dis':!o' ,·e the sugar before you add the spints. Wh<'n making cold mixed drinks, it is u s ually better to dissolve the sugar with a lit tle cold water befor e adding tho spirits. This Is not, howevE>r, neces!'ary when a q uantity ~r shaved ice is used. In making cock tai is the u se of syrup as al rnost entirely buper seded w hite suga.1.. b When drinks arn macle with eggs 0 1· milk, 01· b o t.h, a nd otw· ' al ine Or splrils o.ro to bo mixed with I.hem, the latter 1mtSt ways be ed · t ·e SLir P01'r t

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