1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox



Ginger Wine. T hr eL1 gallon s water. Thr ee pounds s ug-dr. F o ur ounces J amaica ginger.

Iloil o n e h ou r. Strain. Acid th ree Iemous, chopped fi n e, nn d h nlf a pin t or yenst . :Mix t og e the r ·a nd pour in to a keg . Arter it bas !er– me n te

Gooseberry Wine. Seven pounds brown sugar. For ty pounds goosebl'rries. Rnin wn.ter to mnk<' ten goJions. On o quart brnncly . F e rmen t,. Orange Wine. Twonly-t hreo pounds sugar. Te n gallons water; boil.

Cl11r lfy w it h t he " hite or s ix <.>ggs ; pour the boiling liq uicl u pon t he parings or one hundred orangf's, ncld Ui.e s t rnine

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