1888 The Police Gazette Bartenders Guide by Richard K Fox




Birch Wine.

In February or March, bore boles In birch trees, nnd when you have secured nine gallons juice, boil and skim, cooling it clown to one hundred degrees Fahrenheit. Dis– solve in nine pounds sugar, addi11g t wo ounces lemon, cut fine ; produce fermentation with one pint of glute n. Keep l;rg full co11stantly; when the fermenting Is over, draw it ofT and strnln, or filter into another keg in which you have burned a piece of brimstone po.per.

Blackberry Brandy.

Quarter ounce cardamom seeds, ground. One ounce cinnamon.

Half ouncP mace. Halt ounce cloves.

Threfl gallons juice of blackbPrry. Ten gallons 95 per cent. a lcohol.

Four ounces white syrup. Thirteen gallons water. Steep the spices In the alcohol for about seven or right rlays ; fil ter the llq1101· and add the ol,her ingredir n ts.

Currant Brandy.

Take one qu,irt or black or red currnn ts, and flll 11p with one quart of bm11dy. In L\vo months s trni n, and nc.lrl s 11gnr to taste.

Carraway Brandy.

Steep one ounce orcnrrn.way serd, bruised, In ono p int of brnnc.ly. In one week strnin. Adrl s ix 01111 ees of loaf s ugar.

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