1889 The American Bar-tender's Guide (Australia) by Jerry thomas
COFFEE COCKTAIL. I mproved Gi n Co c k t a i l . Made the sarpry way as the Improved Brandy Cock– t ail substituting Holland or Ol d Tom gi n for t he brandy, 21 Bottle Cock t a i l . To make a splendid bottleof brandy cocktail,use the following ingredients: Take ~~ brandy. ~3 water. '.:. pony-glass of Boker's bitters.
1 wine-glass of gum syrup. ~ pony-glass of Curapoa.
Whisky and gin cocktails, in bottles, may be made by using t he a b ove r ecipe, and substituting t hose liquors instead of brandy.
Champagne Cocktail. (Pint bottle of wine for three goblets. ) (Per glass.,)
Take 1 lump ~ f sugar.
1 small lump of ice. 1 or 2 dashes Angostura bitters. Fill the goblet with wi ne, stir up with a spoon, and serve with a thin piece of twisted lemon peel. A quart bottle of wine will make six cocktails
COC'ee Cocktail . (Use a large bar-glass.)
Take 1 tea-spoonful powdered white sugar. 1 fresh egg.
Ha v e l o c k T o b a c c o a .
Finest Q uahty.
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