1889 The American Bar-tender's Guide (Australia) by Jerry thomas



Manhattan Mil k Punch . Same as the foregoing cok/ Mil k P u n ch , w ith t he addition of five drops of Aromatic tincture. (See Index " Aromatic Tincture".)

Egg Mil k P i i n c h . (Use large bar-glass.)

Take 1 tea-spoonful of fine white sugar.

1 wine-glass of brandy z wine-glass of Santa Cruz rum. 1 egg. Small lump of' ice. Fill the glass with fresh milk, shake the ingredients well together, and strain'into a large glass.

El Dorado Punch (Use large bar-glass.)

Take 1 pony of brandy.

~s pony of Jamaica rum, >~ pony Loch Dhu. 1 table-spoonfuls of powdered sugar dissolved

in a little water.

A slice of lemon.

Fill the tumbler with f ine ice, shake well and orna– ment with berries or small pieces of o r ange. Serve

with a straw.

Claret Punch. (Use large bar-glass.) Take 1 tea-spoonful of fine sugar. 1 slice of lemon

XXm,me l O C M T O b ma, C CO a e Retail Price,66.,1'- 8: 1/6 per plu g

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