1889 The American Bar-tender's Guide (Australia) by Jerry thomas



Sherry' Punch. (Use large bar-glass.)

Take 2 wine-glasses of sherry. 1 tea-spoonful of sugar.

1 slice of orange. 1 slice of lemon.

Fill tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, and orna– ment with berries in season. Serve with a straw.

Take lg tablespoonful of orgeat syrup. Orgeat Punch. (Use large bar-glass.) 1> wine-glass of brandy. Juice of half a lemon.

Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, orna– ment with berries in season, and. dash Port w i n e on top. Se rve with a straw. Curagoa Punch. (Use large bar-glass.) Take one table-spoo"ful of p owdered white sugar, dissolved in alittle water. 1 wine-glass of brandy. . < wine-glass Jamaica rum. ~ pony-glass of Curaqoa. The juice of half a lemon. Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, a nd ornament with fruits of the season. Se rve w i t h a straw.

H a ~ e l o c R

Tob a c g a a . Fine s t Qnality.

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