1889 The American Bar-tender's Guide (Australia) by Jerry thomas



1 wine-glass of brandy. 2 dashes of Arrack. $ pony-glass of Marasehino. The juice of half a small lenion. /

Fill the tumbler wit h shaved ice, shake well, orna– ment with fruit and berries in season, and. serve with a straw.

Champagne Punch. (One quart of punch.)

Take 1 quart bottle of Champagne wine.

8 Cable-spoonfuls ef sugar. 1 orange sliced. The juice of a lemon.

2 slices of pineapple (eut in small pieces). 1 wine-glass of raspberry or strawberry syrup, Ornament with fr u its in season, and serve in Cham– pagne goblets. This can be made in any quantity by observing Che proportions of the i ngredients as given above. Four bottles of wine make a gallon, and a gallon is generally sufBcient for fifteen persons in a mixed party.

Imperial Brandy Punch. (For a p~rty of twenty.)

Take 1 gallon of water. 8 quarts of brandy.

1 pint of Jamaica rum. l~~ pounds of white sugar. . Juice of 6 lemons.

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Dark and Aromatic.

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