1889 The American Bar-tender's Guide (Australia) by Jerry thomas


Nectar Punch.

Take 4z' pints of rum.

2 quarts of milk, boiling hot. 2 quarts of cold water. 2~ pounds of loaf-sugar.

15 lemons.

1 nutmeg. Cat ofFthe peel of the lemons very thin and i n f use t hem for forty-eight hours wit h a p i n t and a half o f the rum. A dd . to the i n f usion the water, the juice of t he lemons, the milk, and the 'nutmeg grated ; l e t i t all stand for t wen t y -four hou rs, covered close; then add the sugar, strain through Rannel, and bottle for use. It i s r eady to use at any time.

Orange Punch.

Take <3 pint of rum.

z3 pint of brandy. ~r pint of porter. 8> pints of boiling water. z pound of loaf-sugar. 4 oranges.

Infuse the peel of two and the juice of four oranges with the sugar, in the water for half an hour , s t r ain, and add the porter, rum and b r andy. Sugar may be added, if i t b e d esired sweeter. A liqueur-glass of Curac;oa, Noyeau, or Maraschino is considered an im– provement. Instead of using both rum and brandy, one-and-a– half pints of either alone will answer. This is also an excellent recipe for LEMON PUNCH by substituting lernons for oranges.

Ma m e s l c o k T u t waa e u e aetar l P ric'e.Bd.',I/-8;I/Br' rrlng.

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