1889 The American Bar-tender's Guide (Australia) by Jerry thomas


Zgg Lemonade. (Use large bar-glass.) Take 1 large t able-spoonful o f p u l v e r i sed wh i t e

Juice of half a lenion. sugar. 1 fresh egg. 2 or 8 small lumps of ice.

Shake up thoroughly, strain into a soda-water glass and fill up the glass with soda or Seltzer water. Or– nament with berries.

F ine Lemonade for Pa r t i es . (One gallon.)

Take the rind of 8 lernons. Juice of 12 lemons.

2 pounds of loaf-sugar. 1 gallon of boiling water.

Rub the r i nds of t h e e i gh t l emons on the sugar until i t h a s a b sorbed al l t h e o i l f r om th em , and put it witli the remainder of the sugar into a jug; add the lemon juice (but $ no pips), end pour over the whole the boiling water. When the sugar is clissolved, strain the lemonade t hrough a piece ef muslin, and, when cool, it wil l be rea3y for use. The lemonade will be much improved byhaving the whites of four eggs beaten up with i t . . A. larger or smaller quantity of t h i s l emonade may be made by increasing or diminishing the quantity of the ingredients used.

Ha a e l o c R . T o b a c c o s

Dark and A r omatic.

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