1889 The American Bar-tender's Guide (Australia) by Jerry thomas


Essence of Roman Punch for Bottl ing; :

Take 1 quart of boilingsyrup. 1 quart of Jamaica rum. 21 eggs. 1 lemon. 1 quart of brandy.

Beat the eggs to a froth with the juice of the lemon; stir in the liquors; fi lter through felt or close flannel, and add the syrup. B o t t l e for use. A little of t his syrup in a tumbler two-thirds full of shaved ice, and well shaken, makes a delicious bever– age. Essence of Brand,y Punch for Bot t l i ng. Take 5 gallons of strong brandy. 3 gallons of plain syrup.

~s pint tincture of lemon peel. ~ pint tincture of orange peel. 3 ounces tincture of all-spice. $ wine-glass tincture of cloves.

syrup. M ix the t i nct ures wit h t h e b r a ndy , and add t h e

Essence of Scotch W'hisky Punch. Take 4~2 gallons of Gr eer's Old Va t ted H i gh l and


pint tincture of lemon peel. pint tincture of orange peel. 3 ounces tincture of all-spice. 5 dessert-spoonfuls tincture of cloves.' 3 gallons of plain syrup.

Ha v e l o c k T o b a c c o s i

Finest Q u a lity.

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