1890 Coca and its Therapeutic Application by Angelo Mariani

Tlie scientific study of tlie principles of Coca maybe considered as completed; and we believe that the time bas arrived in wbich to summarize data regarding tbis therapeutic agent, so tbat tbe employment of our preparations may be based on positive clinical ex perience. Tbe aim of tbis modest work is to offer to tbe medi cal profession a sbort account of tbe history of Coca, and of tbe investigations which it bas called forth up to tbe present da}/-. We propose to divide our subject into five parts. 1ST. We will describe tbe botanical character of Coca, and also speak of its culture and tbe mode of gathering it. 2D. Its history, its properties and uses. 3D. Tbe physiological researches made in tbe domain of Coca, devoting a special chapter to Cocaine. 4TH. Its therapeutic application. Finally we will quote some general conclusions and explanations regarding tbe method of using our different preparations, based on observations made by competent physicians in Europe and America.

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