1891 Drinks à La Mode by Mrs de Salis



sence of peppermint, two drops of essence of cloves or sugar. Fill up with pounded ice.

Citronade. One gallon of plain syrup, three ounces tartaric add one ounce and a half of citronade and three-quarters of an ounce of American foam. acid ; dissolve these into a pint of water ;


Claret Punch. Long Drink.

Fill a half pint tumbler with chipped ice, squeeze in half a lemon, add a teaspoonful of powdered sugar, a teaspoonful of raspberry syrup ; fill up with claret. Shake well and ornament with fruits in season, and serve with straws. Corpse Reviver. Take a long, thin liqueur glass and fill with equal portions of noyeau, maraschino, and yellow Chartreuse respectively, taking care not to mix the ingredients. Drink it off at one draught. Cramhamball. Boil two bottles of porter in a pan, then add half a pint of rum and ten ounces of loaf sugar ; boil for a fe w minutes, take it from the fire and put the well-whisked whites and yolks of seven eggs. Stir the whole for a few minutes and pour into tumblers.

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