1891 Drinks à La Mode by Mrs de Salis



Gin Punch. American Recipe.

Rub half a pound of loaf sugar on the rind of six lemons till all the yellow part is grated off, then crush the sugar and put it into a basin with the strained juice of the lemons ; pour to this half a pint of boiling water, and leave it to dissolve. Infuse two ounces of green tea and about a tea- spoonful of coriander seeds in half a pint of boiling water for twenty minutes, then strain the tea liquor to the lemon, &c., and add two quarts of gin, and when cold bottle, cork, seal up carefully, and keep cool. Milk Punch. Boil two or three bitter almonds in a quart of milk with the thinly pared rind of a lemon, and sugar to taste ; strain, and then stir in the white of an egg whisked to a froth, and whilst whisking add a wineglassful of rum and half a pint of brandy, and serve hot. Milk Punch a la R^gence. Pour two quarts of liquid sunshine rum on the thinly-pared rind of twenty-four lemons, eight sweet and two Seville oranges, and two thick slices of pine-apple. Cut into coarse dice, then cover up the basin and let it stand till next day. Pour it then into a large basin, with a pint of strained lemon juice, half the quantity of orange juice, two more bottles of rum, four quarts of sweetened green tea, a bottle of Madeira, a pint of maraschino, half

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