1891 Drinks à La Mode by Mrs de Salis



Tea Punch. To a tumbler of boiling tea add a tablespoonful of lemon syrup, a teaspoonful of cherry brandy, and the same of rum punch.

The Regent's Punch. The Practical Confectioner.

Infuse in half a pint of light cold syrup the thinly pared rinds of two sweet and one Seville oranges and two lemons, then add the strained juice of the fruit. A pint of strong green tea, well sweetened and allowed to get cold, a glass each of arrack, brandy, old Jamaica rum, and pineapple syrup, with two bottles of champagne, are then poured to the peel, &c. The liquor is carefully strained through fine muslin, bottled, and set in ice till required. University Punch. Add to a tumbler of boiling water a teaspoon- ful of lemon syrup, the same of orange, one of cherry brandy, one of rum punch, and one of shrub syrup. Yorkshire Punch. Pour two tablespoonfuls of strained lemon juice over four tablespoonfuls of castor sugar, blend them well together, adding four tumblerfuls of cold water. When the sugar is dissolved add a good gill of rum, and serve at once.

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