1891 Drinks à La Mode by Mrs de Salis



a quarter of an ounce each of grated nutmeg, ginger, and cinnamon, with sugar to taste.

Wassail Bowl. Another Recipe.

Put into a saucepan half a nutmeg, one clove, a quarter of an ounce of grated ginger, half a small blade of mace, an inch of cinnamon stick, and two coriander and cardamom seeds. Pour on these a teacupful of cold water, and let boil ; next add a pint of ale and two bottles of white wine (Madeira) and three-quarters of a pound of fine sugar. Set the saucepan on the fire. Into the wassail bowl break the yolks of six eggs and the whites of three. When the wine is warm, mix a teacupful of it into the bowl with the eggs. When it is a little warmer, add another teacupful, and repeat till five teacup- fuls have been used. Let the wine boil, and pour it upon the eggs, stirring briskly, so as to froth it. Core six apples, without paring them, fill the cavi- ties with sugar, roast them, and throw them into the bowl. Serve very hot. Whisky Toddy. Take a large tumbler, holding quite half a pint, and put a dessertspoonful of ale with two slices of lemon into it ; then take a good wineglassful of whisky and place it upright in the centre of the tumbler and pour boiling water into the wine glass, causing the liquid to run over the tumbler until it is nearly full. Throw away the contents of the wine glass and add sugar to taste.

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