1891 Drinks à La Mode by Mrs de Salis



Ale Flip. Boil some ale with sugar, mace, cloves, and butter in small quantities ; add, when well mixed, two eggs. Ale Posset. Pour some boiling milk over a slice of toast add an egg, butter and sugar to taste. Mix with a pint of hot ale and boil till it simmers.

Cooper. A pint of Dublin stout and a pint of London porter mixed.

Half and Half.

Half a pint of ale and half a pint of porter mixed.


Roast three apples, grate nutmeg over them, add sugar to taste, and place the whole in a quart jug with some slices of plum cake ; make some ale hot, fill up the jug with this, and then serve. King William's Posset. Take a quart of cream and mix with it a pint of ale, then beat the yolks of ten eggs and the whites of four. When they are all well beaten put them to the cream and ale, sweeten to taste, and slice some nutmeg in it ; set it over the fire and keep

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