1891 Drinks à La Mode by Mrs de Salis



Cura9oa. Another Way.

Into a quart of boiling water drop bit by bit a pound of dark brown sugar candy; when dissolved let the syrup boil up, and pour into a deep dish to cool. Drop a hundred and twenty drops of oil of bitter oranges into a quart of spirits of wine ; when this is dissolved mix up with the syrup, then filter and bottle. Take a quarter of a pound of the thin rind of Seville oranges, and pour over a pint of boiling brandy ; when cool add two quarts of brandy, and let it remain for a fortnight, stirring it daily. Put a pint of clarified syrup to it, and then line a funnel with muslin and a filtering-paper, and pass the liquid through three times till quite bright. Put into bottles and cork tightly. Gin Sling. Put two slices of lemon and four or five lumps of loaf sugar into a tumbler ; fill up with shaven or crushed Wenham Lake ice ; add a wineglassful of gin ; stir, and suck through a straw. Ginger Brandy. One gallon of simple syrup, essence of ginger brandy two ounces, essence of orange one ounce, and a quarter of an ounce of caramel. Curacoa. I Home-made.

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