1891 Drinks à La Mode by Mrs de Salis



Barley Water (Green). For Tennis Parties. Take a small teacup of pearl barley, wash it in cold water, and place it in a jug ; peel a lemon vtry thin (no white) and put the peel in the barley (no juice) ; take three or four lumps of sugar and put in ; pour on three pints of boiling water and let it stand till cold ; pour off gently, and it ought to be a pale greenish colour. Beef Extract. Baron Liebig. Take a pound of good juicy beef from which all the skin and fat have been cut away ; chop it up like sausage meat ; mix it thoroughly with a pint of cold water ; place it on the side of the stove to heat very slowly^ and give an occasional stir. It may stand two or three hours before it is allowed to simmer, and will then require but fifteen minutes of gentle boiling. Salt should be added when the boiling commences. When the extract is thus far prepared it may be poured from the meat into a basin and allowed to stand till any particles of fat on the surface can be skimmed off, and the sedi- ment has subsided and left the soup quite clear, when it may be poured off gently, heated in a clean saucepan, and served.

Beef Tea.


Allow two pounds of lean meat to one quart of water ; put it into a jar and place it in a pan of

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