1891 Drinks à La Mode by Mrs de Salis



Cocoa. Put two teaspoonfuls to a breakfast cup, and put the quantity required into an aluminium saucepan, and mix it thoroughly with a little warm milk ; place the saucepan on the fire, and add half a pint of cold water for two teaspoonfuls of cocoa, and let it boil up ; half-fill the cups with this, and then add hot milk and a lump of sugar. Van Houten's cocoa is, I consider, the best cocoa. Coffee. French Way. Pour a pint of boiling water upon two and a half ounces of freshly-ground coffee. Put the lid on the coffee-pot and place it on the hob to simmer gently without boiling. Stir it occasionally, and at the end of two hours take it off the fire and let it stand for a quarter of an hour to clear. In Turkey a small conical saucepan with a long handle, and calculated to hold about two table-spoonfuls of water, is used. The fresh roasted berry is pounded, not ground, and about a dessert- spoonful is put into the little boiler ; it is then nearly filled with water and thrust among the embers. A few seconds suffice to make it boil, and the decoction, grounds and all, is poured out into a small cup, which fits into a brass socket, much like the cup of an acorn, and holding the china cup as that does the acorn itself. Coffee. Turkish Way.

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