1891 Drinks à La Mode by Mrs de Salis



Moselle Cup. Put a large slice of pineapple at the bottom of the jug, with a tablespoonful of powdered sugar, pour over it a bottle of Medoc, insert a large lump of ice, and just before it is to be used add a pint of sparkling Moselle. Mulberry Cup. Put two pounds of mulberries into a jar and extract the juice by setting the basin in the oven, and when sufficiently done strain through a sieve. Boil the juice, allowing to a pint a pound of loaf sugar. To make cup, put half a pint of the juice into a bottle of sparkling lemonade and put chipped ice in. Orange Cardinal. Peel a large orange very thinly, remove all the white pithy skin, and cut the fruit into thin slices ; take out all pips, put the slices in a bowl or basin, and sift over them a quarter-pound of castor sugar. Put the rind of the orange into a pint of vin de Grave or Niersteiner, and let it infuse for eight or nine hours. Then strain it over the slices of orange, and just before serving add a bottle of champagne. Peach Sherbet. Peel and slice a quart of peaches, add two pounds of sifted sugar, the strained juice of two lemons and of One orange. Add a pint of Sauterne, Chablis, or still Moselle ; then freeze and serve in green Nuremberg glasses.

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