1891 Wehman’s Bartender’s Guide by Henry J. Wehman



Parisian Pousse Cafe.—(Uaeamall wine glass.) J Curacoa. I Kirschwasser. ^ Chartreuse. Care should be observed to keep the ingredients from mixing together. Faivre's Pousse Cafe.—CUsesmall hour glass.) ^Parisian pousse oaSe(as above). ^3 Kirschwasser. Curacoa. Observe the directions given in the preceding reclpa

Brandy Crusta.—(Use small bar glass.) 3 or 4 dashes of Gum Syrup. 1 dash of Bitters. 1 wine glass of Brandy.

2 dashes of Curacoa. 1 dash Lemon Juice. Before mixing the above ingredients, prepare a cocktail glass as follows: Bub a sliced lemon around the rim of the glass, and dip it in pulverized white sugar, so that the sugar will adhere to the edge of the glass. Pare half a lemon the same as you would an apple (all in one piece) so that the paring will lit in the wine glass. Put the above ingredients into a small whiskey glass filled one-third full of shaved ice, shake up well and strain cocktail glass prepared as above directed. Whiskey and Gin Crustasare made in thesame manner,using either of these liquors instead of Brandy.

Fancy WliiskeySmash.—(Use a large bar glass.) tablespoonful of sugar. % glass of Water, or squirt of Selters 3or 4sprigs of mint, dissolve well with a snoon Fill the glass full of fine shaved ice 1 wine glass of AVhiskey. "iLTilKSt?SSS"

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