1891 Wehman’s Bartender’s Guide by Henry J. Wehman
Wehman's Bits of Humor; or,Drolleries of Human Nafuro. buok coiitaiiiM a rich lot of ooiiiicail stories. Aiiuiny tliem are the followiii(?:—JIaii witli a snake in liis iiat — Hili Joiie.s aiiuaii,'tlie iiatiiiii^ hii'la — I' lin on hotirii a steaniiioat—.A llijosier slory- Tiie Geca'ttia tavern keeper—A wife on a iinst-Slirewii trick pia.veii on a lawyer—'i'lie inanwijo knew everytiilnt;—A love stoi'y—Tite JJiitcliinan'strhil—New wiiy of raisins tiie wiini—How Deacon Slow was btihlizeil—How tlie peddler was tiiken in, and ii whole iotofotiier qnlzzicai conceiis. It is iieaped np and rnnnins over witii sennine iintnor,and is sold at a price tiiat places it witiiin reach ofeverybody. Printed on a sood quality of paper,from cle.ar. readaiiie type,and bound in iiandsoine colored cover. Price 10Cents per copy, by mail,post paid. Wehman's Yankee Drolleries; or, Sketches of Down-Easters. This l)ook* is full of those mre stories that l)eat all creation as rib-ticklers atul wrinkle- snioofhers. Among tlie choice lot are:—Ethan Sj)ike"s visit to Portlaml—How Ehen Dudley got a wife The Yankee and the gamblers—Joe Bunker's courtship—Obadia Bashful's first ami last courtship—Adventures of Gideon Greeiitree in search of a gal— A Yankee on divorce—Setli Stokes' management and courtsliip—A Yankee taken in— An hour at Uncle Eph's—A Yankee's opinion on witchcraft-Tlje Yankee tjacljelor. and a dozeji(»ther equally funny stories. Big value for little money. It is fn)lof"natur' and human iiaiur'." Printed on a good quality of paper,from clear, readable type, and Ijonud in handsome colored cover. Price 10 by mail, post-paid. Wshman's Book on the Wigwam and Cabin; or,the Perils of the EARLY PIONEERS. Tills hook tells of tlie thrilling adventures of the early pioneers, who went into.the wilds of America. prei>aring the way for others to follow, and who may justly he termed the "■Pioneersof civilization in America." In preparing the way for otliers. iliey encountered the Red man. or Indian, a very savage race of people in those days, and many wliite men. witli their wives and cliildren, were mas sacred by tliese uncivilized and bloodthirsty creatures. It relates facts, not fancies, and there is nothing more thrilling to be found in the wildest pages of romance. A good book for parents to place in the hands of their children, as it will enlighten them con- si AtinilESS ALL OnjlKRS TO HENRY J. WEHMAN, Publishar, 108 Park Row, NEW YORK.
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