1891 Wehman’s Bartender’s Guide by Henry J. Wehman



Arrack Puncli.^—(Use a bar glass.)

1 table-spoon Sugar dissolved in a little water. 1 or 2 dashes Lemon Juice. 1 wine glass of Batavia arrack. yi fill glass with fine ice. Shake well. Dress with fruits, and seWe with u straw.

HotArrack Punch.—(Use a hot water glass.) 1 tea-spoon Sugar. 1 or 2 dashes Lemon Juice. ^wine glass Arrack. Fill up with hot water. Stir well: grate a little nutmeg on top,and serve. n ^

HotBoland Piuich. 1 lump Sugar.

2^^dne glasses boiling water. 1 " Scotch Whiskey. 1 table-spoon Ginger Ale.

Brandy Punch.—(I'se a large bar glass.)

X wine glass St. Croix Eum. y/i. Brandy. 1 piece Pineapple.


^ slices Orange.

serve withTstra^.*^

Dress with fruits and

ampagnePunch. (Serve in Champagne goblets.) 1 quart bottle Wine. X Ih. Sugar. 1 Orange sliced. The Juice of 1 Lemon. J or -1 slices of Pineapple. ■n..Q== glass Strawberry Syrup. Dress with fruit, and serve. ^ ^

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